From the United States, a new business concept is breaking ground in Spain: frozen yogurt.  A gap in the market that was waiting to be explored until a group of young entrepreneurs decided to jump in with this ingenious idea.

Yogurtlandia, Smöoy, Ö!mygood, llao llao, or yoyogurt are some of the franchises that are already tasting the success of frozen yogurts in our country.  They are all different alternatives with their own personalities, but with a common essence: the combination of delicious and healthy at a reasonable price.

Healthy Marketing

It was impossible to fail in a society increasingly aware of the importance of a healthy diet.  And the fact is that frozen yogurt simply represents a new way of eating yogurt, without thereby eliminating its properties.  This new ice-cream leaves nothing wanting in comparison with the traditional variety and even more so if we bear in mind the benefits it brings to our health: it is natural, probiotic, low in calories, and made from skimmed milk.

Personalization of products

Another of the differentiating elements of the product is to be found in the possibility of decorating the yogurt of your choice with the variety of toppings available at each establishment.  An extremely wide range which suits the most sweet-toothed amongst us, with chocolate sauces or “dulce de leche”, marmalades, sweets, biscuit, nuts and smarties; but also with varieties for fruit-lovers with pineapple, wild strawberries, banana, watermelon, or honeydew melon amongst others. But they are not all extreme, the range of toppings also includes cereals, muesli and dried fruits.

Merchandising and strategic locatio

These yogurt temples are aware of the importance of location; this is why they have points of sale located in the busiest areas of the cities or towns in which they operate.

Bright premises with minimalist and innovative designs invite passers-by to immerse themselves in the frozen yogurt experience, using marketing techniques such as the appropriate display of products within sight of the consumer.

So that the quality remains unquestioned, some of these franchises are daring to use other merchandising strategies and provide tastings to all those they come across while wandering around the establishment. Why wait for the client to come to you when you can go to the client?

A very successful formula, the triumph of which is indisputable.  Let us hope it is not a fleeting success, linked to the seasonality of the product, because not all yoghurt bars have a winter menu.


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