The American electronic commerce company, Amazon, has jumped the queue in the agri-food industry.  With head office in Seattle (State of Washington), the company, which has been operating as an online bookstore, is full of confidence and is now having a go at food.

Amazon’s new initiative is called Amazon Fresh and it has already created a niche for itself on the Internet with its website, from which you can acquire products through an easy purchasing process.

Amazon Fresh - Marketing Online Alimentario

Amazon Fresh - Marketing Online Alimentario


Undoubtedly, one of the competitive advantages of the portal lies in its usability.  A simple a priori design facilitates navigation around the site and enables you to head for exact locations without becoming consumed with links and unnecessary sales distractions.

As if it were a supermarket, the Shop tab enables you to virtually browse the different aisles of the establishment, to finally select the desired product, either through a personalised search (using the search engine); or through a filter in which to specify section, brand or characteristics.

Diversity of products

Perhaps you wont know what to go for as the service provides a wide gastronomic range which covers everything from fruit and vegetables to sauces, dressings, condiments and spices; without forgetting the delicatessen products, bakery, patisserie, fresh pasta, cereals, dairy products and derivates, soups, meats, shellfish and drinks.  Together with this range of products, there is another multicultural range with Mexican tacos or Indian tikka masala sauce.

However, Amazon Fresh goes beyond this as it also includes cleaning products, pet food, healthy and beauty items and the basics for looking after baby, and this to my mind detracts from the strength of the Amazonfresh brand, but it seems that rather than just focussing on the “fresh” aspect, they have housewives more in mind.


Amazon Fresh knows how to gain the confidence of the consumer.  The website has a section of bestseller products (bestsellers), but perhaps more important is the score of one to five stars that users themselves award to each product.

Trustworthiness is also achieved through the recommendations of the content providers who collaborate on the portal’s blog: Durell, the culinary expert; Sharon, a housewife and Mike, the produce guy.


Amazon Fresh on your mobile

But there’s still more.  With Amazon Fresh you can purchase from your smartphone, if you download an application available for Iphone, Android or Windows Phone.

Preparing your shopping list is as easy as browsing the different categories or photographing a barcode in order to obtain product information.

Home delivery

You will receive your order on the same day or one day later, depending on the availability of vehicles.  Don’t doubt the quality of Amazon Fresh because your products will reach you in perfect condition; even the frozen items, which are transported at optimal refrigeration temperatures.

For the time being, only Americans in Seattle can enjoy the benefits of this platform, so lets keep our fingers crossed it reaches Spain soon.

Do you think it will come to Spain soon?


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