On the basis of the 2011 Report on the Observatory of Consumption and Food Distribution, published on the MARM portal (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment) we can extract important conclusions about the trends followed by the distributor in relation to food products in Spain:

The majority sell distributor brand products

The distributor considers that in 2011 we have witnessed an increase in the consumption of Own Brands and the results show that the consumer does not tend to be loyal to brands.

However, some 74.6% of professionals polled stated that they sell distributor brand products in their establishment.

In relation to the obstacles encountered by the professional when distributing products, high competition in prices features in first place, as in other years.  This problem is followed by the level of expectation of the consumer.

They increase sales with a 3×2 special offer

On the other hand, in relation to the principal promotional element employed by distributors to increase sales, this is the special offer, above all the 3 x 2 offer or a lowering of prices.  To this effect, 81.9% confirm having contained and/or reduced the prices in their establishments, as 55.5% consider that consumers are normally penalised by prices.

Predilection for Delicatessen Shops and Direct Sales

Unlike consumers, when we spoke about sales channels, the distributors rejected immigrant shops and those of extensive or 24 hour opening.  As opposed to these, the main option of the distributor would be Delicatessen Shops and Direct Sales.  Some 36.2% also resort to the Internet when it comes to offering their products, fundamentally large retail outlets.

They value Designation of Origin

Despite the prevailing trend over recent years for functional and organic products, the distributor continues to lend greater importance to the sale of products from the Autonomous Community in which his/her establishment is located, as well as products with designation of origin.

Another aspect of vital importance for distributors is customer care, and therefore some 70.2% of the sample polled provide this service.

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