At last there is an agreement between the European Union and Morocco, which gives this country the freedom to introduce its products into the majority of the European continent.

The consequences of this agreement, according to farming organisations, would mean the loss of thousands of jobs in the fruit and vegetable and packaging sector of our country, affecting above all the autonomous communities of Andalucía, Valencia, Murcia, Canarias and, to a lesser degree, Aragón and Cataluña.

The agreement was approved by a majority (398 voted in favour, 175 against and 50 abstained) which means that Morocco has open doors in our country in relation to the entrance of products, apart from those deemed to be “sensitive” (tomato, pepper, strawberry, clementine’s, garlic and courgettes).

The only ones to join the unanimously negative vote were the Spanish MEP’s, the ecologists and the extreme left of the European Parliament and it was therefore impossible to fight against the approval of the agreement.

And what do you think about the EU agreement with Morocco?


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