Alcampo distribuciónAlcampo belongs to the French group Auchan and is presided over by Patrick Coignard. Alcampo has been in Spain since 1981.

Billing 2009: 4.684 million Euros.

Pricing policy: very aggressive.  It is considered to be a neighbourhood hypermarket with the most aggressive sales formats. The policy is managed from head office by means of national fliers. Simply Hiper, hypermarkets from the Auchan group but smaller than Alcampo, have an ALP policy (Always Low Price).


simply hiper distribuciónProduct range policy and own brand: Alcampo has a very varied and extensive range and Simply has a wide range of own brand products and some leading brands too.  Alcampo has a range of own brand products and Simply has extensively developed its high end own brand products.

Promotional activity: that of Alcampo is based on price.  Best unit price. Simply, pursues a strategy of round prices and no fliers.




The company belongs to the German group Schwarz. It is one of the largest retailers in the world.  It has had a strong presence in Spain since 1994.

Billing 2009: 2.400 million Euros.

Pricing policy: very low.

Product range policy and own brands:  its range is basic.  The leading brands represent just 10% of total billing.  Own brands represent some 90% of billing.  It has different own brands for products.

Promotional activity: very aggressive, seeking to be the cheapest product on the market.  What’s more, it pursues communication strategies on television.



ahorra mas supermercados





Is a leading distribution group in central areas.  It was constituted in 1979 by a group of retailers.  It is currently associated with the IFA Group.

Billing 2009: 1.264 million Euros.

Pricing policy: ALP but at very competitive prices.

Product range policy and own brands: with its slogan “the neighbourhood super” it provides a service and range suited to proximity shopping. Wide range but under review depending on rotation.  Emphasis is placed on fresh produce.  Its own brand serves as a complement to the range of low price and commodity products.

Promotional activity: they do not have fliers.  Its activity is undertaken via cross promotions with headline support. Communication strategies on the radio.


Gadisa supermercados

Leading business group in Galicia and neighbouring provinces.  It also has a catering chain and a kitchen utensils network.  It belongs to the IFA group.

Billing in 2009: 888 million Euros.

Pricing policy: very competitive in relation to Price.  The prices are homogenous by format and set by head office.

Product policy range and own brands: wide product ranges.  Innovation represents a differentiating element within the range.  Three types of range per shop format, basic, complementary and specialist.  Its own brand serves as a supplement to range in low price segments and commodity related products.

Promotional activity: different promotional calendar for each department/brand with previously established themes.  The fliers are thematic and are distributed fortnightly.  Product prize draws.  Special offers advertised on the radio.


grupo el arbol supermercadosIn 2006, the Magrigal fund, together with some directors, bought the company from the capital venture group CVC.  The Managing Director is Juan Pascual and the group is linked to Euromadi.

Billing 2009: 813 million Euros.

Pricing policy: best price guarantee with the “unbeatable ticket“. Centralised RRP policy.  Direct discounts for purchases with card.

Product range policy and own brands:  range based on top national brands, representative products from the region and own brand. Importance of the fresh produce and fish section.  Its own brand is Super and is divided into: Super Basics, Super Premium and Super Cuídate.

Promotional activity: via fortnightly fliers.  It also has a Savings Club Card with the slogan “I like to save”, very well-developed.  Client loyalty through SuperClub Oro (for the best 65.000clients) with direct benefits and discounts.



super sol supermercadoSuper Sol belongs to the old chain of supermarkets property of Ahold in Spain, now belonging to the Permira Venture Capital Group. After the nomination of Javier Pérez de Leza as Managing Director, it is redefining its future strategy.  SuperSol is linked to IFA.

Billing 2009: 1.494 million Euros

Pricing policy: various levels of prices depending on the shop format and location of same, having both peninsular and insular establishments. Aggressive RRP policy.

Product range policy and own brand: clustered by shop size.  Range adapted for coastal shops and Canary Islands and foreign clientele.  It prioritizes its own brand and top prices.

Promotional activity: fliers throughout the year. Occasional In & Out business.  It does not have a card.

Source: Leading brands and distributors by José María Vilas (2011)


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