Professionals of the food sector attend trade fairs to create awareness for their products, extend their market and undertake marketing strategies with which to improve their sales.  In order to do so it is important to attend these fairs with an established plan, and having an original and attractive stand can be successful and might mark the difference in relation to other similar brands.

From our many forays into trade fairs we have come across some attractive and fun ideas for meeting this challenge.  Are you still unsure about what your stand is missing to make it a success?  Here are some ideas for you.

1. Size can be important: we when exhibit our business at a trade fair, our stand being the biggest and the one that is most visible from afar can be decisive in getting us noticed.  As an example, we highlight the following “Fresh Q” stand or the Hero Baby stand which attends trade fairs and congresses with their best weapon, a giant baby:

fresh q en fruit logistica stand

hero baby stand

2. Make use of the qualities of the region you come from in order to stand out.  This idea is much used by brands which adopt some of the attributes of their countries of origin in order to be different. We particularly like the stands from Italy (which make use of part of their Roman history, simulating an original period construction), Chiquita and the French Antilles (which display the exoticism that characterises them):

fruit logistica stand 2012

Chiquita at Fruit Logistica 2012

Antilles fruit logistica 2012

3. Simplicity can sometimes be your best ally. By this we mean the minimalism and natural nature of some stands and from which we can conclude that a simple idea well structured can also result in success. We would like to highlight the stands from Morocco which enjoyed a strong presence at the latest Fruit Logistica and that of a Dutch eco-friendly packaging company which made its product the structure of the very stand itself, giving it the rustic air that the company seeks to convey.

Marruecos en Fruit Logistica 2012

fruit logistica stand 2012

4. For the love of apples: if your company is aimed at the apple sector, you are in luck.  This fruit arouses passions wherever it goes.  What’s more, as well as the companies dedicated to this sector, the apples themselves sometimes provide the decoration.  The ones to most make use of this strategy are Eva and Pink Lady.

eva fruit logistica 2012

Pink lady en fruit logistica 2012

manzanas decoracion

5. Decorative touches: if our budget is not sufficient to attend a trade fair with complicated and costly structures, there is always the option of using decorative elements that could be key to attracting both admiring glances and new clients.


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BIA3 - Aguilas de Valor incalculable
SAU Ingeniería - Consultoría Estratégica