If you still don’t know the wide range of services available to satisfy the needs of your target audience, here we provide you with some examples:

Launch of new products

Although the trend in the agri-food sector to launch new products is self-evident, these marketing actions should not be undertaken without a meticulous analysis of the market and meticulous analysis of the behaviour of the competition. Two elementary factors which companies sometimes mistakenly decide to avoid, turning the launch of their product into a real fiasco.

Currently, it is worth noting that there is a growing demand for IV and V range products, due a change in habits within society.

Now, neither must it be forgotten that a brand occupies a place in the mind of the consumer and launching a line of products different to the usual one can lead to consumer confusion. Therefore, reflection should be a preliminary step when it comes to embarking upon these types of marketing services.


This consists of an exhaustive comparison process with leading competitors in the sector, to thereafter act accordingly.  The SWOT analysis represents an essential tool in this service, as by using it the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of the competition and the company in question can be detected.

Resources employed, target audience, packaging, prices, quality, or availability are just some of the points of analysis of this comparison.  But the question remains, how are you going to stand out in the market.

Trade marketing

This discipline has established itself fundamentally in Mass Markets and consists in the development of joint plans between manufacturer and distributor with the objective of satisfying the needs of the customer in an effective manner.

Trade Marketing also encapsulates a very deep-rooted practice, known as “category management”, by means of which product groups are created which the consumer perceives of as the same, complementary or substitutes.


Related to all those marketing activities that are carried out at point of sale.  In connection with merchandising, there are diverse practices such as the display of products, very successful in frozen yogurt franchises, where the customer can see the variety of toppings available at a single glance.

What’s more, the cold and hot zone strategy continues to be commonplace, distinguishing the area in the establishment where clients rarely go, from the busiest area.

Sensorial analysis and product tasting

This establishes the organoleptic properties of the food, through the senses.  Sensorial analysis represents a great mechanism for measuring the quality of the product and in order to obtain reliable results, it must be undertaken in optimal conditions.

Trade fairs

In the majority of cases, attendance at trade fairs can translate into a commitment to internationalisation.  However, first there must have been strategic planning and the design of the stand, in such a way that these elements impact the consumer and inspire the connotations implicit in the brand.


Undoubtedly, we can consider this to be the best marketing tool and an element of communication. The packaging must mark the difference to attract the consumer.  By so doing, aspects such as adequate design, logo, material or information about the product must not be overlooked, to which it is advisable to add a touch of innovation and creativity. No-one would have imagined it, but edible containers are already a reality.

Online Marketing

Currently, marketing strategies over the Internet have achieved staggering success, with their maximum exponent being social networks. While teaser campaigns or viral videos represent essential tools for promoting a product online, QR codes have become the allies of many brands to place them within reach of consumers on their smartphones.


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