Expressions such as “eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day”, “lead a healthy life” or simply “eat with your mind” are phrases repeated back to us day after day. Public institutions, such as campaigns driven the Ministry of Health, or companies themselves, have gradually changed our eating habits.
To this we must add the tendency to make fruit and vegetables an attractive and appetising proposition, thinking above all of those who do not tend to like them, and displaying their healthy qualities both inside and out.

Containers that promote visual marketing

This is why fruit products are increasingly being presented in more eye-catching containers and marketing professionals enthusiastically decorate them with the intention of pleasing our senses. A form of visual marketing is thereby generated which means the product catches the eye and generates a spontaneous purchase by the client.
To follow we detail a list of the 10 fruit products with the best packaging that have caught the attention of consumers.

10. Organic Avenue Juices designed by Found on the Dieline.

American company making juices and other organic food items.

zumos organic avenue


9. MyGo Super Fruits.

Both the name and the type of elongated container promote the idea of “juice to go”

mygo super fruits


8. Spiral Juices

Organic juices, with glass containers that protect the environment.

7. Oracle organics

Organic juices with a functional container

6. Froosh.

Works with the slogan of fruit:bottled/ fruta:embotellada.

5. Packaging concept designed by  Mats Ottdal.

Container for fictitious brand which plays with child-like element.

zumo concepto pájaro

4. Orange- Burst Energy.

Segment concept.  Works with citric product.

orange-burst energy
3. Minute maid

Uses the metaphore of something square to frame something round.

2. Quick fruit.

Jelly made from natural fruit juice.


1.    Juice containers which imitate the fruit itself by the Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa.

It plays with the fruit’s own wrapping, its skin, to create the container.

idea de envase por naoto fukasawa


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