Every day more and more companies resort to these “digital markets”, thereby creating space for the interaction of sellers and buyers, for the supply and demand of products and services. These marketplaces have already become a star tool in online internationalization, and this is also the case for the food and agri-food industry:


Born in Hangzhou (China) and it represents a meeting point for buyers and sellers of diverse sectors, amongst them the farming and food sectors.  An endless number of products grouped into different categories are within your grasp on this commercial platform. 240 countries have already recogised a great business opportunity in Alibaba .


From Honk Kong we see another great example of B2B electronic commerce which also has a complete virtual catalogue in the food and drinks sector.


Founded in Korea, this marketplace operates in the food industry and stands out for its ingredients section, in which you can find an extremely extensive variety of additives, condiments and seasonings.


This digital market for producers and sellers was created in China.  The platform provides a great diversity of kitchen equipment and other items relating to the world of food.


Portals search engine aimed at electronic commerce.  In the food category, you will find up to 44 websites.  You need simply decided on the one most suited to your needs.


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